In my Midterm game, you're playing through a childhood memory of mine where I got separated from my father at a water park and had to find him while getting through crowds. In it, since you are smaller than the adults that move around the park, you can jump in order to get an idea on where you're going to better find your dad and keep from getting disoriented. I chose this topic because I liked the simplicity and scope of the memory itself when imagining it in game form.

I think the most fun I had making the game was messing around with the physics and movement of the NPCs, because even if the coding or inspector settings are wrong, watching a ton of little grey people descend through the floor and into the abyss or watching an npc scoot up into the sky will never not be funny. The least fun was of course the code, since my understanding of it is rather threadbare and sometimes I make simple mistakes that can just cause everything to break at once, which is never a good time. I think if i could go back and make different decisions, I would have worked on my maya people earlier, or at least researched Maya more, as it tends to bug out as often as unity does.

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